I recall all four of the group having caught their largest walleyes ever within the first hour at camp.
Don still had his business clothes and dress shoes while holding his first 28 inch walleye.
Jordan caught his first Pike over 40 inches and Joel caught an awesome 48 inch monster pike.
we told Joel not to expect another as most people fish a lifetime to catch a fish like that.
Half an hour later he boated another "fish of a lifetime"

Here are some pics from their June 2009 visit
Don said it was their best trip ever. Enjoying time with his son and friends made another
special memory.
catching a bunch of 40 inch pike was a bonus.
and watching 12 year old Keith Bateman catch his 48 inch pike was awesome.
(photos below)
Donald Nemer sent me this great letter to go with his photos.
At the end of the rainbow
It was the beginning of June 2009. My son Jordan Nemer and his friends Tom Holton and Dominique Neir were at Anglers Kingdom for the 5th straight year. The morning was calm and pleasant and we decided to travel to Coli creek and use dead bait fish for BIG Northern pike. As students of the master we were taught that in order to catch large female northern pike in spring it is best to use a very large dead bait with 50lb power pro line , a big hook with a stinger attached and a 100 lb Titanium leader. We were also taught that this type of fishing requires a tremendous amount of waiting and patience. Trust me… It works!
Before we set off we noticed that there were thunderheads forming afar yet we decided to go anyways. Near the dock we were met by our new friends Keith Batemen and his 11 year old son Keith Jr. from Chicago Illinois.
They were fishing with Dennis. Kevin had shown us a few hotspots and we all decided to fish beside each other at a nearby creek. Other than Jordan none of the boys had caught any big pike in their life.
We got to Coli creek and set up “ camp” by anchoring our two boats next to each other at the edge of the 5 foot channel in the creek which was at the mouth and into the main body of water. To the north of us at about 30 yards were the cattails in 2 feet of water. Each boat threw out two lines. One on the bottom and one on a big “ Dolly Parton” like round bobber. We waited and waited but nothing was happening. The “ Master” came to visit in his boat and went into the weeds. He was site fishing and pointed out about 25 big Ladies/ Grannys 40-48 inchers who were sunning themselves in the weeds. Kevin really knows how to judge size. Now it was just a question of when they would be finished with their bridge game/ sunning and come to eat. All ladies at that age LOVE to eat. They do not need to think of their figure anymore.
The Storm clouds started to roll in and we were drenched. Suddenly the Rainbow came out and literally descended upon us. Keith Jr. then says … WE’RE AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW. We are all enveloped in a kaleidoscope of color. They all asked … Where is the pot of gold? I answered there is none but to Keith I said … You are now blessed with good fortune … let’s see what happens…. It started. Tom pulls in his first 40 inch Pike and he is thrilled of course. Jordan pulls in a 40 that pooped on the boat. I got a 40 and we also had a double. The Ladies came out to feed like pigs. Suddenly Keith Jrs. Line staring tearing out like mad. His dad yells, “SET THE HOOK“! And the fight was on. After a thrilling battle Keith Jr. landed his first 48 inch 30 lb plus Northern Pike. A fish of a lifetime and he is only 11 years old. I’m not sure who was more excited Keith Jr. or Sr. Keith went on to land several more trophy Pike.
What a trip and thanks to the teaching of the master an 11 year old boy and his dad had a dream come true. And some other young (and older) men had the fishing trip of their lives.
I’ve fished at many fly-in lodges, some of which cost over 3000 for a week of fishing. We’ve caught more and bigger Pike and Walleye at Anglers Kingdom than any, fishing lodge in Canada. Each year we’ve had other friends join us on these trips and every one of us have caught our largest Pike and Walleye at Anglers Kingdom .

Not sure how many big walleye they caught as they didn't take any pictures of them.
Notes from Kevin.
I truly enjoy seeing a young person catching the biggest fish of their lives. Seeing Keith catch that Monster of a Pike at such a young age and the look on his face and his dads face was awesome. Donald Nemer has fished with me many times as well as Dennis Kellner.
I was proud of the guys for sticking with the game plan and waiting for the Mega Pike to start feeding. I can’t tell you how many times people have left an area too soon and later told me “there were no big pike” in that area. Rule number one “go where the Big Pike are”. Rule number 2 “ fish for Big Pike”
That sounds like simple advice and it is. Go to the right lake, the right location and the exact spot down to within a few feet (I‘ll help you with that). Then you just need to have the patience for the Giant Pike to turn on. In the spring that “window” is quite small, (typically mid day after they warm up) later in Mid summer that feeding window is much longer. For more detailed Pike Fishing Articles and information at different times of the season click on “articles” on the main page of our website.
The same rules of fishing hold true for monster Walleye. However the methods, techniques and tackle are naturally a bit different.
Come on up and see for yourselves.

Talking about this reminds me of a time fishing with Dennis on his first or second trip to Anglers Kingdom. Must have been his 2nd trip because he had been up for 4 weeks and had caught “more big walleye than I ever thought possible” ( I believe that is an accurate quote). Dennis has fished all over Canada and spent years fishing lake Erie. He really is an excellent walleye fisherman. I’m sure Dennis will send me a nice Walleye fishing Report from the Walleye Wizard as I’ve recently dubbed him.
Anyway he hadn’t caught many big pike although to be fare he hadn’t fished for them. Dennis asked if I could take him out for a few hours. This was in late August. We went right on the back side of Pine Island ( behind camp) and fished a hump which topped out at 14 feet surrounded by 25-28 feet. There are dozens of humps like this whether they top out at 3 ,6,10 or 12 feet doesn’t matter. We brought two 10inch frozen suckers. I moved us slowly around the edge of the hump. We were jigging and catching a few decent walleye. After about 30 minutes Dennis asked when we were going to put out the suckers. Pretty soon I said. A bit later Dennis asked if it was time yet. “Not yet” I said. Then we started catching more although smaller walleye. I held us in that spot, finally I spotted the large mark on the graph that I was looking for. I told Dennis to go ahead and put that sucker in while I put the anchor in. I think it took less than a minute, followed by a feisty 5 minute fight and we had a nice photo of Dennis with a trophy pike. 30 minutes later we had another carbon copy. Big Pike and Walleye can be caught any time of year.
This also reminded me of some fishing Dennis and I did in late september 09
fishing report to follow soon.

Which also reminds me of Jims big pike in august and Dan Simms Giant Walleye

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