BELLES BEST DAY EVER - excerpts from Belles Diary
It’s all good days at camp.
But I want to share the best day of fishing in my life.
I’ve worked at fishing camps all over Canada.
Working at Anglers Kingdom everyday I hear the guests talking about the big walleye and big pike they catch. It sounded like so much fun. I didn’t realize how many fish they catch in a day. I thought that they just caught a few fish.
Denny took me out one day, we didn’t go very far , maybe 5 minutes, we could still see the camp and we could talk to camp with the radio. Kevin always calls on the radio and asks me when supper is or how things are at camp and I always thought he was a long way from camp. Sometimes he says he is at the far end of the lake and I can still hear him perfect on the radio.
Anyways we didn’t go far and it didn’t take long to start catching fish.
And we kept catching them and catching them and catching them - all day.
It wasn’t even hard. Denny gave me an orange jig and we tipped them with shiners.
We just dropped them to the bottom and when we lifted up the fish were on the line.
Then I set the hook and reeled them in. The big ones fought really hard.
I think the biggest one I caught was about 29 inches. We took some pictures but were too busy to take many. We went out right after lunch and came home at 6.30
Kevin will be mad when he finds that out. (editors note - I already knew).
Dennis didn’t even have time to smoke
I’ve never seen so many fish in my life.
And I grew up fishing. But this was my best fishing ever that day with him, the sun was very warm and water was just enough wind to cool it off, fishing was great and snacks and talking to dennis, made it right yes it my best fishing day ever.
I Iove this camp and my boss kevin is a very good boss and he didn’t pay me to say this but he did let me go fishing. Anglers Kingdom is the best camp I’ve been.
Last weekend we went back to camp to do some ice fishing. We saw caribou and wolves it was just so beautiful there. We got up next morning had breakfast and drove on skidoo. I caught the first walleye and small pike, my fingers was so cold but still I kept on fishing. I keep bugging the guys about it.
Now that I’m talking about fishing I can’t seem to stop.
Kevin took me out a few years ago and I had the biggest walleye I’ve ever seen.
Even Kevin said it was really big, probably over 12 pounds. But it got away right by the boat.
I must have told every guest that has been to camp about that big walleye. I was bragging about it all summer then again I had a good teacher my dad and my boss. I learned a lot from him, he showed me how to fish walleye the right way. Started out using a slip bobber now jigs. Dennis showed me the right way to put a minnow on. (took him two hours)
So after that I’ve been bugging Kevin to take me fishing more.
We went out quite a few times in September and caught lots of big walleye
I’ll put some stories about that on here as well when I have more time.
This is my 3rd year at anglers kingdom and looking forward to another one, good fishing nice people coming and going, heard lots stories about big walleye, big pike. It’s like my second home. So those of you who have not been here come and join in on the good fishing, nice white beach and of course I will be there to welcome you with a smile and hot coffee, and I can sit with you and talk about my good fishing.
(another editors note - “until I say get back to work“)
Here are some of the fish I caught this year.
“Belinda is the camp sweetheart always ready with a big smile and helpful gesture.
And she makes good coffee” - Kevin

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